(In 3 mins) Fix: Lycamobile No Service iPhone 

By Naima Zubair

Experiencing a “Lycamobile no service” issue on your iPhone can be frustrating. Fret not! We’ve got your back.

This article aims to provide possible reasons and practical solutions for the “Lycamobile no service iPhone” problem. Let’s get started.

Why is Lycamobile showing ‘No Service’ on iPhone 

Lycamobile is showing “No Service” status on your iPhone due to poor network coverage in your area, SIM card-related issues, incorrect network settings, or outdated software on your iPhone.

Lycamobile logo

Below, we have listed practical solutions that you can try to get rid of the “Lycamobile no service iPhone” problem:

Fix#1: Check Network Coverage

First thing first, check the network coverage in your area. If you’re seeing “No Service” status, it is most likely due to unavailable Lycamobile’s network coverage in your area. Therefore, you need to make sure that you’re in a spot where Lycamobile network coverage is available. Having a stable network reception will resolve the “No Service” issue.

Fix#2: Restart Your iPhone

Sometimes, simply restarting your iPhone can help you resolve the “Lycamobile no service iPhone” issue. Here’s how you do it:

iPhone X, 11, 12, 13, or later

  • Step 1: Press and hold the Volume Down button and the Side (on the right-hand side) button until the Power-Off Slider shows up on the screen
  • Step 2: Drag the slider to the Right
  • Step 3: Let your device Turn Off
  • Step 4: To Restart your device, press and hold the side button until the Apple log appears

iPhone 6, 7, 8, or SE (2nd or 3rd generation)

  • Step 1: Press and hold the Side button until the Power-Off Slider shows up
  • Step 2: Drag the slider to the Right
  • Step 3: Let your device Turn Off
  • Step 4: To Restart your device, press and hold the side button until the Apple log appears

Fix#3: Check for a Carrier Settings Update

If you still see the “No Service” status on your Lycamobile, try installing a network provider settings update. Here’s how:

  • Step 1: Go to Settings > General > About 
  • Step 2: If an Update is available, you’ll find the option to update your network provider settings.

If there’s no update waiting to be installed, move on to the next fix.

Fix#4: Reseat the SIM Card

An improperly inserted SIM card can also contribute to the “Lycamobile no service” problem. Therefore, make sure the SIM card is properly placed in the SIM card slot. Additionally, if your SIM card has scratches or cuts, especially on the gold part, it can result in the “Lycamobile no service” problem.

Lyca Mobile SIM Card
Image Credits: Silvie Lindemann

Fix#5: Reset the Network Settings

If the problem lingers, try resetting the network settings on your iPhone. Here’s how:

  • Step 1: Open Settings
  • Step 2: Go to General > Transfer or Reset iPhone > Reset 
  • Step 3: Select Reset Network Settings from the menu

After resetting the network settings, check if the “Lycamobile no service” problem has been resolved. If not, keep on reading!

Fix#6: Update Your iPhone

Outdated software on your iPhone can also result in the “Lycamobile no service” problem. To address this, update your iPhone to the latest available version. Here’s how: 

  • Step 1: Open Settings
  • Step 2: Go to General
  • Step 3: Tap on Software Update
  • Step 4: If an update is available, tap on Download and Install

Fix#7: Contact Lycamobile Support

If the aforementioned fixes don’t seem to work, try contacting Lycamobile Support and ask for additional support. There might be issues with Lyacmobile like ongoing outages, account-related issues, etc. Only Lycamobile can provide additional information about these nitty-gritty details.

Fix#8: Get Additional Help from Apple Support

If Lycamobile confirms no outage or account issues, but the “Lycamobile no service” issue persists, we recommend reaching out to Apple Support for further assistance. 


Staring at the “Lycamobile no service” status on your iPhone can be quite distressing. You’re lucky, because, in this article, we have provided a comprehensive guide explaining how to solve the “Lycamobile no service” problem. So, if you are experiencing issues with the Lycamobile service, refer to this full-fledged article for guidance.

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