How to Enhance Calling Experience with Wi-Fi calling

By Ankit Kumar

Tired of calls that have static or keep dropping out while you’re talking on Wi-Fi?

Well, you’re not alone. Many of us have faced these frustrating issues while trying to communicate over Wi-Fi. But there is good news: there are ways that can take your calling experience from mediocre to remarkable.

In this guide, I’ll look into practical methods that can level up your Wi-Fi Calling, making your voice conversations smoother and clearer. And I’m not basing the solutions on theories, instead, I will be sharing stuff based on personal experiences and insights from fellow users. So, let’s get started, shall we?

How to enhance calling experience with Wi-Fi calling?

1. Keep your router up-to-date and fix any issues that arise

Having a stable Wi-Fi connection at home is essential for using Wi-Fi Calling, and I’ve picked up a few tips along the road. Maintaining the most recent firmware on my router and making sure it’s set up correctly was one of the first things I learned.

A woman working on laptop

Router firmware update:

Outdated firmware can lead to frustrating connectivity issues, so make it a habit to regularly check for updates provided by your router manufacturer. Taking this little step could significantly enhance the stability of your Wi-Fi Calling.

Reset the router:

Occasionally, your router may seem overwhelmed or have minor performance issues. In such situations, a simple router reset is typically the solution. It’s a quick fix that will provide a stable connection for your Wi-Fi Calling needs.

Switch channels:

I’ve also realized how crucial it is to choose a good Wi-Fi channel. Routers broadcast on specific channels, and interference can be a real nuisance when neighboring routers use the same channel. Changing your router’s channel to one with less traffic can quickly reduce interference and improve the quality of your Wi-Fi calling session.

2. Make sure your phone is set up for optimal Wi-Fi calling

If you want to make sure your smartphone calls go off without a hitch, tweaking the Wi-Fi Calling settings is a must. Let me explain two important settings that many people have adjusted to achieve this:

Turning on Wi-Fi Calling:

Wi-Fi calling must be turned on in your phone’s settings before you can begin. You may usually find this option in your phone’s “Phone” or “Connections” menu.

Wi-Fi Calling, when enabled, enables your device to make calls via Wi-Fi connections. According to some users, this has made a significant difference in call quality, especially in areas with poor cellular reception.

Utilizing Wi-Fi rather than cellular:

Another setting that consumers have found incredibly useful is prioritizing Wi-Fi Calling over traditional cellular calls. Enabling your smartphone to prioritize Wi-Fi networks over cellular ones ensures a seamless transition between the two.

This means your calls stay connected and crystal clear as you move between different coverage areas. It’s an extra layer of reliability that has made a noticeable improvement in people’s calling experience.

3. Make sure your Wi-Fi signal is solid and reliable

Having a strong and steady Wi-Fi connection is the foundation for an excellent Wi-Fi Calling experience, which is something I’ve actively tried to improve. And here’s how you, too, might find this to be a game changer for better, clearer calls:

Children using mobile devices
Photo by Jessica Lewis

Signal Strength:

Take care to position your Wi-Fi router strategically at your home. This ensures solid coverage where you need it most, especially in the areas where you make calls. Additionally, you can steer clear of thick walls or obstacles that can weaken the signal and disrupt your conversations.

Internet Speed:

The speed of your internet connection is an important factor. Wi-Fi that is too slow might cause your calls to lag, disconnect, or have poor sound quality. Make sure that your internet plan meets the bandwidth requirements for high-quality voice calls, and you’ll notice a huge improvement in call quality.

Network Congestion:

I’ve noticed that Wi-Fi networks can get overcrowded, especially in crowded places or during peak hours. To prevent this, try to make your Wi-Fi calls during non-peak hours. This simple adjustment will help you avoid the frustration of a poor connection due to overcrowded networks.

4. Update the firmware and applications on your device

Updates to the firmware of a device, which are often made available by the manufacturer, have proven essential. These updates don’t just bring new features; they also clear up connectivity issues and enhance the quality of calls.

They fix glitches and improve the stability of the device. Call performance has improved for me personally following such changes, with fewer interruptions and higher quality.

Woman using phone
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

The same holds true for app upgrades, particularly those associated with calling apps. These upgrades could include fixes that improve the reliability, speed, and smoothness of calls.

Feedback from others has confirmed that updating their calling apps contributed to clearer calls, reduced latency, and smoother transitions between Wi-Fi and cellular networks.

Therefore, checking for and applying these updates on a regular basis can actually keep your device running at its best. A simple step like this can improve the call quality and overall satisfaction with Wi-Fi Calling in everyday situations.

5. Set up QoS (Quality of Service)

Using the Quality of Service (QoS) settings, you may ensure that voice calls are given priority over all other network traffic. This step can be a lifesaver in a household bustling with connected devices and apps that devour bandwidth.

Many users have commended this feature for its effectiveness in reducing call failures, delays, and pauses. It lets you allocate a sufficient portion of your network’s bandwidth to your voice calls to ensure that they remain crystal clear and uninterrupted.

What’s even better? Setting it up does not require any technical expertise. It’s often a straightforward process accessible through your router’s settings, typically referred to as “Traffic Shaping” or “Bandwidth Control.”

So, based on what everyday users have shared, adjusting your router’s QoS settings can make quite a difference in your Wi-Fi Calling quality. It’s a simple trick that ensures your calls always come through nice and clear, regardless of how many other people or devices are using the same Wi-Fi network.

6. Aim for 5GHz connectivity for your gadgets

While trying to achieve a seamless voice calling experience, I’ve come to appreciate the value of switching devices over to the 5 GHz band from the 2.4 GHz if you want your voice calls to go through without a hitch. This is a tip I’ve picked up from real users who’ve had more satisfying voice calls through this simple adjustment.

The 5 GHz range is often less congested, therefore it provides a more stable signal with less interference. Furthermore, the 5 GHz band has greater capacity for data transmission, which means voice signals travel faster and with fewer delays.

5G banner
Photo by Zz

Now, how do you do this? One of the methods involves creating a separate Wi-Fi network (SSID) dedicated exclusively to the 5 GHz band. Your gadgets will automatically connect to this network for Wi-Fi Calling whenever they detect it.

Band steering is another useful approach that subtly directs your devices to utilize the 5 GHz route for voice calls instead of the more congested 2.4 GHz line. This leads to better call quality, reliability, and clarity in your voice communication. It’s a personalized tweak that makes a significant difference in your day-to-day voice calls.

Final Words

By updating and troubleshooting your router, optimizing your device settings, ensuring a strong Wi-Fi signal, keeping your device and apps up-to-date, configuring Quality of Service (QoS), and steering your devices to the 5 GHz band, you can enjoy smoother, clearer, and more reliable Wi-Fi voice calls.

These tips are not just technical theories; they are solutions that come from the experiences of people just like you, who faced the same challenges and found success in enhancing their Wi-Fi Calling quality. If you follow these steps, you too will be able to use Wi-Fi Calling to its fullest extent and never have any disruptions.

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